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Ayyagari RameshAyyagari Ramesh 

checkbox to mark true when picklist value is selected

I have a picklist field  Z and its value are like A,B,C. I want to create formulae field and mark it true when the picklist field contains values A and B only. Tried multiple and unable to acheive it. please help
one example as below tried as well but not working:
IF(OR(TEXT(Z__c) = 'A',TEXT(Reason_Code_1__c) = 'B'),true,false)
Best Answer chosen by Ayyagari Ramesh
Hii Ayyagari
Try Below Formula
IF(OR( ISPICKVAL( Z__c , 'A'), ISPICKVAL( Z__c , 'B') ), true, false)
Please Mark It As Best Answer If It Helps
Thank You!


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Hii Ayyagari
Try Below Formula
IF(OR( ISPICKVAL( Z__c , 'A'), ISPICKVAL( Z__c , 'B') ), true, false)
Please Mark It As Best Answer If It Helps
Thank You!

This was selected as the best answer
Ayyagari RameshAyyagari Ramesh
Hi CHaruDutt, 
It worked now after applying your approach, Eventually i tried earlier nut dont somewhere i went wrong.