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Rajendra Prasad 44Rajendra Prasad 44 

I want to send file more than 20mb to amazon s3

It's not possible in sfdc to send files more than 12 mb because we have an asynchronous heap size limit of 12 MB. but still I don't want to use any app exchange app. so how can I achieve this. and in S3 file object, I am able to upload 20 MB
PriyaPriya (Salesforce Developers) 

Hi Rajendra,

There is a limit from salesforce side for sending large size attachement.Keep the size of the attachments lower. Email services reject email messages and notify the sender if the email (combined body text, body HTML, and attachments) exceeds approximately 10 MB (varies depending on language and character set). You can overcome this limit by using 3rd party storage server for storing the file content as well as sending them over the email with large size attachment.
Cloud Drop is One such App that is some what following the same logic in order to store any number and size of files that can be associated with any salesforce object with Rackspace server.It also allow user to send very large size file as email attachment to particular contact/lead record.
Please check the following link for more information:


Priya Ranjan