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Getting the "The requested resource does not exist" while creating the lead

Hello All,

Getting the error 
The requested resource does not exist

while creating the leads on UI....Appreciate your help

PriyaPriya (Salesforce Developers) 


Check below example that matches your requirement :-


Please mark it as the Best Answer so that it can help others in the future.


Priya Ranjan


Julian LeahJulian Leah
I too have been at the realms of this particular error for quite the while. I first got it while surfing on What exactly does this error even mean?
Chris McDaniel 9Chris McDaniel 9
I had the same issue, but realized I was identifying the version parameter incorrectly.  it needs to be something like /v57.0/ instead of /57/.  I would investigate examples of the endpoint resource to confirm the proper syntax.