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Rahul Chavan 36Rahul Chavan 36 

workflow rule formula issue--

already posted but for detailed--field name which to update is lead numbers
i create 2 workflow rule  with field update on same object, evaluation criteria is create and everytime edited. i want to do---
 workflow rule 1... if number field(named lead numbers) is less than 100-- update field to 150
workflow rule 2..if  number field(named lead numbers is grater or equal to 100--update field to 75
 i created workflow with formula but my formula is wrong i did not get desired result. plz help me in step by step solution in detail which  formula to use. 
and plz do not refer  trailhead or any link , as beginner i refer it but stuck in formula , so plz help which formula resolve it. thank you in advance
SwethaSwetha (Salesforce Developers) 
The developer community recommends providing any attempts/code you've started, any errors you're getting, or where exactly you're struggling in achieving this while posting a question.