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Need help on create Merger button on Lightning interface

Hello Friends
In this picture here is the Merge button in Account-Related List in classic
But I want this button on Lightning on the basis of Account-Related
contact how can I do this I have tried the edit the page but it's not showing can you please
​​​​​​​help me to solve these Functionalities.
User-added image
Surya GSurya G
Hi Yashh,

In lightning, we dont have merge button, instead we have to navigate to a contact record to check if there any potential duplicate for that contact.
User-added image
if there is any duplicate, click on view duplicate and there you can merge the contacts.

Refer this link for how to do it in lightning.
​​​​​​​ (http://

Surya G
Hi Surya G 
This link is not working can you provide other resources that I will find out!
Surya GSurya G
Hi Yashh

I think something wrong with the link, you can copy paste the above link in browser. that should work

Hi Surya 
The merge button in supporting from lighting here is the link please go through this link

Yash Gundawar