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Why aura component is not visible in salesforce community site?

Hi All,
Coukd you please help me for this..

<aura:component implements="forceCommunity:availableForAllPageTypes" access="global" description="communityExample">
    <div>Hello Aura!</div>

Shall i missed to add anything else?
SwethaSwetha (Salesforce Developers) 
Are you saying that this custom component is not showing in the components section of builder? Thanks
Yes  i am talking about custome cmp......
SwethaSwetha (Salesforce Developers) 
I do not see anything wrong with your code.

I tried this same aura component code in my org and was able to find it in the custom components section of the site's builder.

Can you refresh Community Builder / clear your browser cache and recheck? 

If this information helps, please mark the answer as best. Thank you
What you told already I did, but it is not showing for me, shall i add to any conditions in admin level?
SwethaSwetha (Salesforce Developers) 
Did you change anything related to this aura component's controller/helper/design or is it left default? 

Also, can you publish the community and see if the custom component is available to add?

Similar post from past:

I am asking before publish the site, while drag and drop the components there is custom components tab  in left side, in that place aura cmp is not visible.
Ayfaj FazlaniAyfaj Fazlani

Experience Cloud sites can use Aura or LWC as the programming model.
For Aura sites:

  • Use Aura components
  • LWC won't work

For LWC sites:

  • Use LWC components
  • Aura won't work

You choose the model when picking the site template.

  • If you pick an Aura-based template, use Aura components.
  • If you pick a LWC-based template, use LWC components
You may have choosen LWC(LWR) template.