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Praveen Muddana 14Praveen Muddana 14 

how to convert javascript to apex


I have 1000+ lines of code written in Javascript, where it needs to be implemented in Apex Chunks of Code. could someone help me to guide or help me on this. i am aware of javascript , but converting is huge task and need to do areas of improvements in the same code. please help
Prateek Prasoon 25Prateek Prasoon 25
Answer :-
Sure! I'd be happy to help you with that. Converting JavaScript code to Apex can be a challenging task, as the two languages have different syntax and features. However, I can provide you with some general guidance to help you get started.
Understand Apex Syntax: Apex is a Java-like language that is used in the Salesforce platform. Familiarize yourself with Apex syntax, such as declaring variables, defining classes, and using Apex's object-oriented features.
Identify Salesforce-specific Objects and APIs: Salesforce has its own set of objects and APIs that are specific to its platform. Identify the equivalent objects and APIs in Salesforce that correspond to the functionality in your JavaScript code. For example, if your JavaScript code interacts with Salesforce objects like Account, Contact, or Opportunity, you'll need to use the corresponding Salesforce objects in Apex, such as the Account, Contact, or Opportunity objects.
Use Salesforce Governor Limits: Salesforce has governor limits, which are limits on resources that can be consumed by Apex code, such as CPU time, heap size, and query limits. Make sure to design your Apex code with these governor limits in mind to ensure it runs efficiently and does not hit any limits.
Leverage Salesforce Platform Features: Salesforce provides a rich set of platform features, such as custom objects, custom fields, workflows, and triggers, that can be used to implement functionality without writing custom Apex code. Consider leveraging these platform features instead of writing Apex code, if possible.
Test Your Apex Code: Salesforce has a robust testing framework that requires writing unit tests for your Apex code. Make sure to thoroughly test your Apex code to ensure it functions as expected and does not introduce any bugs.
Refactor and Optimize: While converting JavaScript code to Apex, take the opportunity to refactor and optimize your code. Apex has its own best practices and coding conventions that may differ from JavaScript. Review and update your code to adhere to these best practices for optimal performance and maintainability.
Seek Help: If you're not familiar with Apex or need assistance with specific code segments, don't hesitate to seek help from experienced Apex developers or the Salesforce community. Salesforce has a large community of developers who are willing to assist and provide guidance.
Converting JavaScript code to Apex can be a complex task, but with careful planning, understanding of Apex syntax, and leveraging Salesforce platform features, you can successfully implement your code in Apex. Good luck!
Here is sample converted code to get started :-
//JS code
var person = {
  firstName: "John",
  lastName: "Doe",
  age: 30
console.log(person.firstName + " " + person.lastName + " is " + person.age + " years old.");

//apex code
public class Person {
  public String firstName;
  public String lastName;
  public Integer age;
Person person = new Person();
person.firstName = 'John';
person.lastName = 'Doe';
person.age = 30;
System.debug(person.firstName + ' ' + person.lastName + ' is ' + person.age + ' years old.');

If you find my answer helpful, please mark it as the best answer. Thanks!