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Gary ButlerGary Butler 

are scratch orgs supported in non-profit?

I am still relatively new to SF development and helping to support a small non-profit (running NPSP).  The Admin on the prod instance has ensured that Dev Hub is enabled, and has created a new sandbox for the developers to work in.  We can connect to it via SFDX, but we are not able to create scratch orgs.  

I really want to move to VSCode because the dev console's auto-complete feature also is not working.  

Does Salesforce non-profit support SFDX scratch orgs?  if so, any guidance to get us up and coding with SFDX/VSCode/ScratchOrgs and circular development?
Gary ButlerGary Butler
additional info: 
  • I am full system admin on the Sandbox
  • error message I am receiving:
    • D:\salesforce\SB2\volunteer-20190327>sfdx force:org:create -s -f config\project-scratch-def.json -d 30 -a SB2SO
      ERROR:  You do not have access to the [ScratchOrgInfo] object.
Raj VakatiRaj Vakati
Refer this link
Gary ButlerGary Butler
Raj, that appears to assume i have a scratch org, which I don't!  As mentioned, i am TRYING to create a scratch org, but it won't allow me to create one.  I get the error mentioned.  ERROR:  You do not have access to the [ScratchOrgInfo] object.