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Will Lyles
How to create a visualforce page that shows all records and related child records
I have the following SOQL query in my custom controller. I would like to build a page that shows all the parent (case) records and related child (RMA) records in one single table. I've been able to do this with a single case, but can't seem to figure out how to do it when I want to display all cases.
How would one go about doing this?
How would one go about doing this?
string searchquery = 'SELECT ID, ' + 'casenumber, ' + 'subject, ' + 'Severity__c, ' + 'Case_Type__c, ' + 'CreatedDate, ' + 'ClosedDate, ' + 'Status, ' + 'Status_Comment__c, ' + '(select ' + 'Customer_Asset_Type__c, ' + ' RMA_Customer_Reported_PO__c, ' + ' Date_Received__c, ' + 'PO_Contract_Date__c, ' + 'RMA_Actual_SN_Returned__c, ' + 'RMA_Customer_Reported_Failure_Inform__c, ' + 'RMA_Customer_Reported_Part_Number__c, ' + 'RMA_Customer_Reported_Qty__c, ' + 'RMA_Customer_Reported_SN__c, ' + 'Warranty_Status__c ' + 'from RMA_Products__r) ' + 'FROM Case ' + 'WHERE OwnerId= \'' + UserInfo.getUserID() + '\'' + 'ORDER BY casenumber DESC ' ; caseResults = Database.query(searchquery);
Please see the code below. where Account is the parent record and Test__c is child record(related record) .I hope it helps:
VF page:
<apex:page controller="RelatedListInVFPageController">
<apex:repeat value="{!AccountList}" var="t">
<apex:pageBlockSection title="{!}">
<apex:repeat value="{!t.Test__r}" var="TestObj">
<apex:outputText value="{!}" />
public class RelatedListInVFPageController{
public list<Account> AccountList{get;set;}
public RelatedListInVFPageController(){
AccountList= [select id,name, (select id,name from Test__r) from Account];
All Answers
First you should come up with a wireframe on how exactly it would look like on the page. The structure can always be created. You will have to use regular HTML though, rather than PageBlockTable for creating the table. So some <apex:repeat>s with <tr>s and <td>s can do the job.
Looking for something like this with repeating data. Don't know if I should render this in my controller or use the apex elements to render the data.
That usually has all the columns for parent repeated as many times as there are Children records in the report.
Easiest solution would be to have a wrapper class with all columns (superset of Parent and Children) and simply bind a list of these wrapper objects to a PageBlockTable. The page itself would be really simple.
Where would this button be hosted ? Salesforce, Community, Site ???
I've only been developing in Salesforce for about 3 weeks now. If you have any links to examples of setting up the reports and having them accessible on a portal that would be greatly appreciated. Just need a basic idea of how to get started.
Please see the code below. where Account is the parent record and Test__c is child record(related record) .I hope it helps:
VF page:
<apex:page controller="RelatedListInVFPageController">
<apex:repeat value="{!AccountList}" var="t">
<apex:pageBlockSection title="{!}">
<apex:repeat value="{!t.Test__r}" var="TestObj">
<apex:outputText value="{!}" />
public class RelatedListInVFPageController{
public list<Account> AccountList{get;set;}
public RelatedListInVFPageController(){
AccountList= [select id,name, (select id,name from Test__r) from Account];
I think the code you provided got me on the right track. I still have to work on the formatting a bit, but I am seeing the data from my related list which is what I was struggling the most with.
This is what I have so for. The format is a bit strange, but I think I am getting closer now.
Thank you and Jayant for your replies. So far the people on this community have been very helpful!