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Illegal assignment from List to ID - to get whatID
Hi All,
I have trigger on after insert and after update, below is my handler class.
If i create a task from contact(is a required field on page layout) it fails because whatID is null. So I'm trying to query to get the whatID based on whoID.
If i create a task from account, works fine because whoid and whatid are not null.
public with sharing class TaskTriggerHandler {
private boolean trigger_isExecuting = false;
public TaskTriggerHandler(){
public void OnAfterInsert(Task[] newObjects){
// EXECUTE AFTER INSERT LOGIC updateAccountActivityFields(newObjects);
public void OnAfterUpdate(Task[] oldObjects, Task[] updatedObjects, Map<ID, Task> ObjectMap){
public void updateAccountActivityFields(Task[] taskRecords){
// find task record type
RecordType taskRec = [SELECT Id FROM RecordType WHERE SobjectType ='Task' AND DeveloperName ='Task_Record_Type'];
List<Account> accountsToUpdate = new List<Account>();
Account a;
//Get all the contactIds and accountIds of the task being inserted/updated
for(Task tk : [SELECT Id,, type, LastModifiedDate, CreatedDate, RecordTypeId, whoid, whatid FROM task WHERE id in :taskRecords]){
if(tk.RecordTypeId == taskRec.Id && tk.Whoid!=null){
// query to get account ID from contact:whoID
a = new Account(Id = [SELECT AccountId FROM Contact WHERE Id =: tk.WhoId]);
//convert task's CreatedDate, datetime to date
Date createdDateJustDate = date.newinstance(tk.CreatedDate.year(), tk.CreatedDate.month(),;
//update the activity fields on account with Task's lastModifiedDate and LastModifiedBy based on Task Type
if(tk.type=='Face 2 Face Meeting' || tk.type=='Lunch'){
a.Last_Face_to_Face_Activity__c = createdDateJustDate;
a.Last_Visited_By__c =;
a.Last_Call_Activity__c = createdDateJustDate;
Update accountsToUpdate;
Please help!!
a = new Account(Id = [SELECT AccountId FROM Contact WHERE Id =: tk.WhoId]);
to -
List<Contact> c = [SELECT AccountId FROM Contact WHERE Id =: tk.WhoId];
a = new Account(Id = c[0].AccountId);
Also, at any point only one of WhoId or WhatId would be populated, if parent is Lead or Contact - WhoId would be populated and if parent is any other object - WhatId would be populated. User can't have activities as a child.
By the way, your code will fail when the task is on Lead instead of Contact.
My test class is failing if i use the code by Raj also.
here is the test class:
static testMethod void testAdminUserwithTask() {
// Next make sure that a System Admin *can* delete an attachment
Profile adminProf = [select id from profile where name='System Administrator'];
User au = new User(alias = 'Admint', email='',emailencodingkey='UTF-8',FirstName='Admin',
lastname='task',languagelocalekey='en_US',localesidkey='en_US',profileid = adminProf.Id,
// Switch current user to System Admin user
System.runAs(au) {
// Create test data (a new Account with an Attachment)
Account a = new Account(Name='Testtasking');
insert a;
Contact con = new Contact(LastName='Test',FirstName='asdasd',Email='') ;
insert con ;
List<Task> tasks = new List<Task>{};
for(Integer i = 0; i < 200; i++)
Task t = new Task(Subject='Donni'+i,Status='New',Priority='Normal',Type='Phone Call', whoId =con.Id, whatId = a.Id );
insert tasks;
try {
delete tasks;
} catch (Exception e) {