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Aaditya SinghAaditya Singh 

Please help me with the below Topic. I am not able to navigate Setup > Email > My Email to Salesforce.

  • Setup the Email  to Salesforce:
  1. Navigate to Setup > Email > My Email to Salesforce.
  2. Enter your email id (Accenture ID) in the My Acceptable Email Addresses field.
  3. In the Email Associations section, select the Automatically assign them to related records radio button.
  4.  Select the Leads checkbox and then select the The record with the most activity radio button under the If duplicate records are found, associate email with: section.
  5. Select the If no matching records are found, create a task for each recipient and send it to My Unresolved Items checkbox.
  6. Save the settings and note the Email to Salesforce Address.
Best Answer chosen by Aaditya Singh
Ramesh DRamesh D
Hi Aaditya,

You need to go to My Settings-> Email
User-added image

I hope you find the above solution helpful. If it does mark as best answer to help others too.

Ramesh D

All Answers

Ramesh DRamesh D
Hi Aaditya,

You need to go to My Settings-> Email
User-added image

I hope you find the above solution helpful. If it does mark as best answer to help others too.

Ramesh D
This was selected as the best answer
Aaditya SinghAaditya Singh
Thanks a Lot Ramesh.. It is working fine now.