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John MunzJohn Munz 

2 Live Chat Buttons Interaction on Site

Hi All!

I've got a Live Agent question:

We have a use case where we want to have chats started from a couple pages on our site to route to a different team, while the majority of chats on the site goes to the general chat queue. This part we were able to achieve with deploying a different chat button on those pages which routes to that other team. On that front, everything works well.

The issue we're finding though is some of our customers are moving from page-to-page while in a chat. If they go from a page where we have this secondary chat button deployed to one with the primary chat button, we lose connection with that customer.

I guess the question is: is there any way that we can maintain the chat when users navigate to a primary chat page? Maybe some way to deploy the secondary chat on a primary page so that it's hidden, but will allow customers coming from a secondary chat page to maintain their current chat?
Milos MacuraMilos Macura

Hello, I know this question was asked long ago but I am having an identical use case (and problem).

Did you figure out how to hide/show a chat button? To me it looks like all chat buttons, no matter how many you have, will have the same CSS selectors, so identifying one vs the other is impossible. I hope I am wrong.

Joy VarnerJoy Varner
One way to achieve this is by using session-based identification or storing the chat session details in a persistent storage mechanism. Here's a possible approach:
When a chat session starts on a page with the secondary chat button, generate a unique identifier for the session. This identifier could be a session ID or a token associated with the chat session.
Store this session identifier in a persistent storage mechanism such as a cookie or local storage in the user's browser.
When the user navigates to a page with the primary chat button, check for the presence of the session identifier in the browser storage.
If the session identifier is found, retrieve the relevant chat session details associated with that identifier from your backend system. This could include information such as the customer's name, previous chat history, and any other relevant context.
Initialize the primary chat button with the retrieved chat session details, allowing the customer to continue the conversation seamlessly.
koenny jonekoenny jone
According to my knowledge yes, there are ways to maintain the chat session when users navigate from a page with the secondary chat button to a page with the primary chat button. One approach to achieve this is by using a combination of session management and hidden chat elements. 

When the user navigates to a page with the primary chat button, ensure that the unique identifier for the chat session is passed along as a parameter in the URL or using some other method, such as cookies or local storage. On the primary chat page, check for the presence of the unique identifier in the URL or session data. If it's present, you'll know that the user was engaged in a chat from a secondary chat button page. Depending on whether the unique identifier is present, you can dynamically show or hide the primary chat button and secondary chat button elements. If the unique identifier is detected, hide the primary chat button (since the user is already engaged in a chat) and show the secondary chat button (which is hidden by default on primary pages). When the user navigates from a secondary chat page to a primary chat page, you'll need to handle the handoff of the chat session from the secondary team to the general chat queue team. This could involve passing the chat transcript and relevant details to the general chat queue and ensuring a smooth transition for the user.

As i say remember to consider any privacy and security implications in handling chat session data, and ensure that you comply with relevant data protection regulations. Additionally, it's essential to thoroughly test the functionality to ensure a smooth user experience and handle any edge cases that may arise during the chat handoff. hope my information will helpful to you. (