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Marco Antonio Galvao GuimaraesMarco Antonio Galvao Guimaraes 

Summer 19' Issue: Failed to save Component.cmp Invalid definition for null:ComponentController: field__c, ManagerId FROM User ^ ERROR at (...) No such column 'ManagerId' on entity 'User'

On this saturday (04/05/2019) the Summer 19' has arrived.
For us arrived with issues...

After the new release enters, in all our Components, related with "User" we receive this error:
Failed to save TestUserError_Deletar.cmp: Invalid definition for null:TestUserErrorController: Field__c, ManagerId FROM User WHERE Id =:UserInfo.getUserId() ^ ERROR at Row:1:Column:74 No such column 'ManagerId' on entity 'User'. 

We try security configuration, try without sharing class.
Only works when we use only custom fields in the query.

Any one face this error?

Thanks !
We are also facing same issue, existing components are failing with error on one or other user field
Prasad AnumatiPrasad Anumati
We are also facing the same issue. Created a siimple controller with below code:
public class Summer19TestController {
    public static void getStatus(){     
        List<User> users = [select managerid, manager.firstname, manager.lastname from user where id = :UserInfo.getUserId()];
        system.debug('users==>' + users);

We will get the exception when you try to save by adding controller to components.
<aura:component  access="global"  controller="Summer19TestController" >

User-added image

Please let me know if you find any solution.

Thanks in Advance!!!
Marco Antonio Galvao GuimaraesMarco Antonio Galvao Guimaraes

Guys the Salesforce find a solution:

Check this Know Issue with workaround:

Valter Podmanicki JunorValter Podmanicki Junor

Use Metadata Api or VS Code and SFDX to deploy changes to your lightning components

Try with otherworkaround
Please recompile all classes in org by using compile all classes link on apex classes page under setup or you can do runAllTest in org which will recompile the covered classes. This will fix the issue. We faced a similar issue after Summer 19 release and got it fixed by recompiling all the classes.