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Iram MalikIram Malik 

Data on VF page impacted with Debug Log


I am facing a very unusual issue:
I have a VF page which is displaying data From object Z and object Y. When New button is clicked, the data from Object Z is fetched and dispalyed in pageblocktable in VF. When Update button is clicked, the data from Object Z and object Y are displayed.
Now my issue is, on Update, if there are more then 1 record in Object Y, the rows except for the 1st row are duplicated. When I create debug log for a user, the data is displayed correctly for that user but if I remove the debug log, the duplicate issue appears again for the user. This is happening for all the users.

I don't know how and why debug log is impacting my VF page. I tried using Set as as well but it didn't help. I don't think my list is holding any duplicate value in controller; rather only on VF Page.
Kindly help me.

Thank you,
Iram Malik
karthikeyan perumalkarthikeyan perumal
 can you share the screen shot of teh issue you are faceing ?
