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Lightning Custom New Opportunity is not opening up Product Selection Screen
We've build a Lightning Component for New Opportunity and we're using in Component
After successful save of the Opportunity it never open up the Production Selection screen automatically even though we have the setting enabled on Opportunity Settings
Thanks in Advance
We've build a Lightning Component for New Opportunity and we're using in Component
<lightning:recordEditForm aura:id="oppEditForm" objectApiName="Opportunity" onsuccess="{!c.handleSuccess}" onload="{!c.handleLoad}" onsubmit="{!c.handleSubmit}" recordId="{!v.originalOpportunityId}" onerror="{!c.handleError}">This is what we have on handleSubmit method
component.find("oppEditForm").submit(eventFields);This is what we have on handleSuccess method
handleSuccess : function(component, event, helper) { var payload = event.getParams().response; var OppId =; helper.redirectToSobject(component, event, helper,OppId); }This is how we're redirecting in the helper method from above
var navEvt = $A.get("e.force:navigateToSObject"); navEvt.setParams({ "recordId": recId, "slideDevName": "products" });;
After successful save of the Opportunity it never open up the Production Selection screen automatically even though we have the setting enabled on Opportunity Settings
Thanks in Advance