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Frank SockFrank Sock 

Address Data Type for Custom Objects

I noticed that Salesforce provides a few standard "Address" fields on standard objects like Contacts.  Upon Contact creation, users are asked to enter the Mailing Street, Mailing City, Mailing State/Province, Mailing Zip/Postal Code, and Mailing Country (however I cannot find these 5 fields in the "Fields & Relationships" section on my Contact object).  Anyway, after the Contact record is saved, the 5 address fields synthesize into one "Mailing Address" field, and the address becomes a link which when clicked directs the user to the Google Maps search result of that address. 

That being said it does appear that this functionality is available for Custom Objects.  It is extremely useful and I'd like to add it to custom objects.  Does anyone have any experience replicating this functionality or know how it can be done?  I actually just learned how to do a similar function with Python but I am still very new to Apex.