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Apex Test Class Not Finding Account ID - Survey Force

I'm pretty new to coding and really trying to just get through an error to deploy a changeset. When validating the changeset it fails due to an error in a test class related to this Test Class SurveyAndQuestionController_Test.
Each of the methods within the class seems to be hitting the same error.
Example Error Message:
System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION, Required field: [AccountId] Stack Trace: Class.SurveyTestingUtil.createTestContact: line 67, column 1 Class.SurveyTestingUtil.: line 13, column 1 Class.SurveyAndQuestionController_Test.testCreateQuestionController: line 7, column 1
What is strange is I do not see any validation rules on either the account or the survey object.
I think it more has to do with the fact that the AccountID is not being listed in the test class.
Would you know how I specify the account ID?


Here is the Test Class

@istest private class SurveyAndQuestionController_Test {
//test constructor and calls within it @isTest(SeeAllData='true') private static void testCreateQuestionController(){ SurveyTestingUtil tu = new SurveyTestingUtil(); Apexpages.currentPage().getParameters().put('id',tu.surveyId); Apexpages.Standardcontroller std; SurveyAndQuestionController cqc = new SurveyAndQuestionController(std); cqc.addQuestion(); cqc.getNewQuestionNum(); cqc.makeNewQuestionLink(); System.assert(cqc.surveyId == tu.surveyId); } @isTest(SeeAllData='true') //test constructor and calls within it private static void testEditQuestion(){ SurveyTestingUtil tu = new SurveyTestingUtil(); Apexpages.currentPage().getParameters().put('id',tu.surveyId); Apexpages.Standardcontroller std; SurveyAndQuestionController cqc = new SurveyAndQuestionController(std); cqc.editQuestion(); cqc.questionReference = tu.questionIds[0]; cqc.editQuestion(); cqc.questionReference = tu.questionIds[1]; cqc.editQuestion(); cqc.questionReference = tu.questionIds[2]; cqc.editQuestion(); cqc.questionReference = tu.questionIds[3]; System.assert(cqc.editQuestion()==null); } @isTest(SeeAllData='true') //test the saving of new questions private static void testsaveAndNewQuestion(){ SurveyTestingUtil tu = new SurveyTestingUtil(); Apexpages.currentPage().getParameters().put('id',tu.surveyId); Apexpages.Standardcontroller std; SurveyAndQuestionController cqc = new SurveyAndQuestionController(std); //test saving new question cqc.qQuestion = 'THIS IS A NEW QUESTION'; cqc.qChoices = '1\\n2\\n3\\3'; cqc.qRequired=true; cqc.questionType='Single Select--Vertical'; cqc.saveAndNewQuestion(); System.assertEquals(5, cqc.getNewQuestionNum()); //edit existing question SurveyAndQuestionController cqcI = new SurveyAndQuestionController(std); cqcI.questionReference = tu.questionIds[0]; cqcI.editQuestion(); cqcI.qQuestion = 'THIS IS A NEW QUESTION THAT IS EXTRA LONG SO THE NAME SHORTENING CALL WILL BE USED, THIS SHOULD BE LONG ENOUGH NOW THIS IS A NEW'; cqcI.qChoices = '1\\n2\\n3\\3'; cqcI.qRequired=true; cqcI.questionType='Single Select--Vertical'; cqcI.saveAndNewQuestion(); System.assertEquals(5, cqcI.getNewQuestionNum()); } @isTest(SeeAllData='true') private static void testsavesaveQuestion(){ SurveyTestingUtil tu = new SurveyTestingUtil(); Apexpages.currentPage().getParameters().put('id',tu.surveyId); Apexpages.Standardcontroller std; SurveyAndQuestionController cqc = new SurveyAndQuestionController(std); //test saving new question cqc.qQuestion = 'THIS IS A NEW QUESTION'; cqc.qChoices = '1\\n2\\n3\\3'; cqc.qRequired=true; cqc.questionType='Single Select--Vertical'; cqc.controllerSavQuestion(); System.assertEquals(5, cqc.getNewQuestionNum()); //edit existing question SurveyAndQuestionController cqcI = new SurveyAndQuestionController(std); cqcI.questionReference = tu.questionIds[0]; cqcI.editQuestion(); cqcI.qQuestion = 'THIS IS A NEW QUESTION THAT IS EXTRA LONG SO THE NAME SHORTENING CALL WILL BE USED, THIS SHOULD BE LONG ENOUGH NOW'; cqcI.qChoices = '1\\n2\\n3\\3'; cqcI.qRequired=true; cqcI.questionType='Single Select--Vertical'; cqcI.controllerSavQuestion(); System.assertEquals(5, cqcI.getNewQuestionNum()); } @isTest(SeeAllData='true') //test constructor and calls within it private static void testPreviewQuestion(){ SurveyTestingUtil tu = new SurveyTestingUtil(); Apexpages.currentPage().getParameters().put('id',tu.surveyId); Apexpages.Standardcontroller std; SurveyAndQuestionController cqc = new SurveyAndQuestionController(std); cqc.questionReference = tu.questionIds[0]; cqc.editQuestion(); cqc.previewQuestion(); cqc.questionReference = tu.questionIds[1]; cqc.editQuestion(); cqc.previewQuestion(); cqc.questionReference = tu.questionIds[2]; cqc.editQuestion(); System.assert(cqc.previewQuestion()==null); cqc.questionReference = tu.questionIds[3]; cqc.editQuestion(); System.assert(cqc.previewQuestion()==null); } @isTest(SeeAllData='true') private static void testUpdateSurveyName() { SurveyTestingUtil tu = new SurveyTestingUtil(); Apexpages.currentPage().getParameters().put('id',tu.surveyId); Apexpages.Standardcontroller stc; SurveyAndQuestionController vsc = new SurveyAndQuestionController(stc); vsc.surveyName = 'new name'; system.assert(vsc.updateSurveyName() == null); } @isTest(SeeAllData='true') private static void testupdateSurveyThankYouAndLink() { SurveyTestingUtil tu = new SurveyTestingUtil(); Apexpages.currentPage().getParameters().put('id',tu.surveyId); Apexpages.Standardcontroller stc; SurveyAndQuestionController vsc = new SurveyAndQuestionController(stc); vsc.surveyThankYouText = 'new stuff'; vsc.surveyThankYouURL = 'more new stff'; system.assert(vsc.updateSurveyThankYouAndLink()==null); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------// @isTest(SeeAllData='true') private static void testRefreshQuestionList() { SurveyTestingUtil tu = new SurveyTestingUtil(); Apexpages.currentPage().getParameters().put('id',tu.surveyId); Apexpages.Standardcontroller stc; SurveyAndQuestionController vsc = new SurveyAndQuestionController(stc); vsc.getAQuestion(); // Retrieve questions for this survey List<Survey_Question__c> sq = new List<Survey_Question__c>(); sq = [Select id, orderNumber__c from Survey_Question__c]; // get question with orderNumber 1 Survey_Question__c first = [Select id, orderNumber__c from Survey_Question__c Where orderNumber__c =: 1 and Survey__c =: tu.surveyId]; System.assert(first.orderNumber__c == 1 ); // Specify the new order vsc.newOrderW = vsc.allQuestions[2].id + ',' + vsc.allQuestions[0].id + ',' + vsc.allQuestions[1].id + ',' + vsc.allQuestions[3].id + ','; vsc.updateOrderList(); // Verify that the question with order 1 is not the same as the one retrieved previously Survey_Question__c second = [Select id, orderNumber__c from Survey_Question__c Where orderNumber__c =: 1 and Survey__c =: tu.surveyId]; System.assert( !=; // update the question list, and make sure it has been modified as well vsc.refreshQuestionList(); System.assert(vsc.allQuestions[1].id !=; }
@isTest(SeeAllData='true') private static void testDeleteQuestion() { SurveyTestingUtil tu = new SurveyTestingUtil(); Apexpages.currentPage().getParameters().put('id',tu.surveyId); Apexpages.Standardcontroller stc; SurveyAndQuestionController vsc = new SurveyAndQuestionController(stc); // Get a question to delete Survey_Question__c sq = [Select id, orderNumber__c from Survey_Question__c Where orderNumber__c =: 1 and Survey__c =: tu.surveyId]; vsc.questionReference = sq.Id; vsc.deleteRefresh(); Survey_Question__c sq2 = [Select id, orderNumber__c from Survey_Question__c Where orderNumber__c =: 1 and Survey__c =: tu.surveyId]; System.assert(sq.Id != sq2.Id); }
/**/ }