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Nick GachowiczNick Gachowicz 

Community text size - made smaller in Summer 19 - any way to reverse the change?

Hi all,

Since our sandboxes have upgraded to Summer 19, we have noticed the text size has changed throughout our internal community (Customer Services template). The text size has decreased throughout the community by a few points.

Please compare these screenshots to see the difference:

Spring 19:
spring 19

Summer 19:
summer 19

Any ideas how to globally increase the text size back to how it was before? Perhaps using css? 

Salesforce Support weren't any help so wondered if you guys had any ideas.

I also tried this css but it didn't change anything that I could see:
Nick GachowiczNick Gachowicz
Bumping for visibility - surely I can't be the only person who has encountered this.
John James 8John James 8
Knocking for perceivability - most likely I can't be the main individual who has experienced this.