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Tulasiram Chippala
How to create another object after showing addError on lead
Hi i am using below trigger:
My requirement is like : When i am inserting Lead in bulk
1. if Found and duplicate in contact
2. if Found any duplicate in Lead
if found any duplicates either in Contact or Lead then insert Non_Approved_Lead . I am using below code
The error is, if it found any duplicate error it is showing addError message and not able to found inserted Non_Approved_Leads
I checked logs Non_Approved_Leads id's are showing but not able to find it. Please help me on this.
My requirement is like : When i am inserting Lead in bulk
1. if Found and duplicate in contact
2. if Found any duplicate in Lead
if found any duplicates either in Contact or Lead then insert Non_Approved_Lead . I am using below code
trigger compareMultipleFieldLead on Lead (before insert) { List<Non_Approved_Leads__c> nonAplFinal = new List<Non_Approved_Leads__c>(); List<Lead> errorLeadList = new List<Lead>(); set<string> newEmailSet = new set<string>(); set<WrapperClassWrapperClass> dbWrapperSet = new set<WrapperClassWrapperClass>(); set<WrapperClassWrapperClass> newWrapperSet = new set<WrapperClassWrapperClass>(); Map<String, String> mapLeadList = new Map<String, String>(); List<Lead> leadInsertBeforeContactCheck = new List<Lead>(); List<Lead> leadRejectList = new List<Lead>(); List<Lead> listDumpLeads = new List<Lead>(); set<string> emailSetForContactCheck = new set<string>(); List<Lead> leadInsertAfterContactCheck = new List<Lead>(); /* ********************************handling New records *************************************************** */ if(trigger.isBefore && trigger.isInsert){ for(lead ldRecord :{ WrapperClassWrapperClass iKey = new WrapperClassWrapperClass(ldRecord.Email, ldRecord.ownerid); if(newWrapperSet.contains(iKey)){ system.debug('Found Duplicate Record'+ldRecord); leadRejectList.add(ldRecord); } else { listDumpLeads.add(ldRecord); newEmailSet.add(ldRecord.Email); newWrapperSet.add(iKey); //owneridSet.add(ownerid); system.debug('ikey is --'+iKey); } } /* ********************************handling old records *************************************************** */ for(Lead dbLead : [select id, LastName, email, phone, company, ownerid from lead where email IN: newEmailSet]){ system.debug('came to query'); dbWrapperSet.add(new WrapperClassWrapperClass(dbLead.Email, dbLead.ownerid)); } for(lead ldRecord : listDumpLeads){ system.debug('came to second loop iterate ove new list'); WrapperClassWrapperClass iKey = new WrapperClassWrapperClass(ldRecord.Email, ldRecord.ownerid); system.debug('ikey is --'+iKey); if(dbWrapperSet.contains(iKey)) { leadRejectList.add(ldRecord); } else { // mapLeadList.put(ldRecord.Email, ldRecord); emailSetForContactCheck.add(ldRecord.Email); leadInsertBeforeContactCheck.add(ldRecord); } } } system.debug('-----email list for duplicates'+emailSetForContactCheck.size()); system.debug('lead Reject List after check in Leads'+leadRejectList.size()); // Handling Contacts from lead filterd dump list List<Contact> consList; Set<String> emailSetContact=new Set<String>(); if(emailSetForContactCheck.size()>0){ consList = [select id, email from contact where email IN:emailSetForContactCheck]; if(consList.size()>0){ for(Contact con : consList ){ emailSetContact.add(; mapLeadList.put(, con.Id); } } } system.debug('list lead dumps'+listDumpLeads.size()); for(Lead ld:listDumpLeads){ if(emailSetContact.size()>0 && emailSetContact != null && emailSetContact.contains(ld.Email)){ system.debug('which contact contacins this email id'+mapLeadList.get(; leadRejectList.add(ld); }else { leadInsertAfterContactCheck.add(ld); } } system.debug('lead Insert Before Contact Check'+leadInsertBeforeContactCheck.size()); system.debug('lead Reject List after contact check also'+leadRejectList.size()); system.debug('Final Lead List'+leadInsertAfterContactCheck.size()); /* ******************************************* Creating Non Approved Leads for Duplicate Leads ******************************************** */ for(Lead ldRecord:leadInsertAfterContactCheck){ Non_Approved_Leads__c nonApl = new Non_Approved_Leads__c(name = ldRecord.FirstName+' '+ldRecord.LastName, Email__c = ldRecord.Email, Phone__c = ldRecord.Phone, Direct_Phone__c = ldRecord.Direct_Phone__c, Lead_Contact_Job_Title__c = ldRecord.Lead_Contact_Job_Title__c, Lead_LinkedIn_Profile__c = ldRecord.Lead_LinkedIn_Profile__c, Personal_Email__c = ldRecord.Personal_Email__c, Comments__c = ldRecord.Comments__c, Website__c = ldRecord.Website, Title__c = ldRecord.Title, Status__c = ldRecord.Status, Industry__c = ldRecord.Industry, Description__c = ldRecord.Additional_Contact_Information__c, Company__c = ldRecord.Company, Street__c = ldRecord.Street, City__c = ldRecord.City, State__c = ldRecord.State, Zip_Code__c = ldRecord.PostalCode, Country__c = ldRecord.Country, ownerid = ldRecord.ownerid ); nonAplFinal.add(nonApl); } doCalloutFromFuture.callFromDupeTrigger(nonAplFinal); //insert nonAplFinal; // Inserting non approve Leads //system.debug('-------insert non approved leads'+nonAplFinal); /* ******************************************* showing add Error for final Dupe List ******************************************** */ for(Lead ld:leadRejectList){ System.debug('contained duplicate trigger'); ld.addError('This lead is existed'); } }
The error is, if it found any duplicate error it is showing addError message and not able to found inserted Non_Approved_Leads
I checked logs Non_Approved_Leads id's are showing but not able to find it. Please help me on this.