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Zach BirkenthalZach Birkenthal 

How to edit certain content on

Under Support, Ways to Give, and Annual Fund Giving, that content needs to be changed. If possible, 2017-18 needs to be changed to 2019-20, the word Candidates needs to be removed from the third bullet, and after the 11th bullet the word Chamber should be changed to Mosaic.
On our homepage, the slide that says Gift of Music Jazz Swing and Rock needs to be reversed with the slide that says Make a Impact Today.
Gage Staruch 9Gage Staruch 9
Hey Zach, 

Is this on a visualforce page?
Zach BirkenthalZach Birkenthal
It's on our website, and not sure if that's a visualforce page.
Zach BirkenthalZach Birkenthal
I still need help figuring this out!