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Error: Compile Error: Variable does not exist: prefix__c at line 19 column 41

Hi all,

I'm new to Apex but have been tasked with making one small change to an old Apex Class.
public with sharing class WorkDetailUtilities
    public static List<SVMXC__Service_Order_Line__c> AddWorkDetails(SVMXC__Service_Order__c WorkOrder, WorkDetailUtilities.FSGCart FSGCart, 
                                Id WorkDetailRTId, List<FSGItemWrapper> MissingCartItems, Id WorkDetailId) 
        system.debug(LoggingLevel.INFO, 'WorkOrder: ' + WorkOrder + ', FSGCart: ' + FSGCart + ', WorkDetailRTId: ' + WorkDetailRTId + ', WorkDetailId: ' + WorkDetailId);
        List<SVMXC__Service_Order_Line__c> WorkOrderLines = new List<SVMXC__Service_Order_Line__c>();
        Map<String, WorkDetailUtilities.FSGItemWrapper> mapPartQuantity = new Map<String, WorkDetailUtilities.FSGItemWrapper>();
        String STDWorkshopHoursProductCode = Label.STD_Workshop_Hours_Product_Code;
        SVMXC__Service_Order_Line__c PSWorkDetail;
            for(WorkDetailUtilities.FSGItemWrapper FSGCartItem :FSGCart.CartItems) 
                system.debug(LoggingLevel.INFO, 'FSGCartItem: ' + FSGCartItem);
                if (FSGCartItem.Part != STDWorkshopHoursProductCode && !FSGCartItem.Part.contains('-'))
                    mapPartQuantity.put('00-' + FSGCartItem.Part, FSGCartItem);
                    mapPartQuantity.put(FSGCartItem.Part, FSGCartItem);
            system.debug(LoggingLevel.INFO, 'mapPartQuantity: ' + mapPartQuantity);
            if (String.isNotBlank(WorkDetailId))
                PSWorkDetail = [SELECT Id, SVMXC__Serial_Number__c, SVMX_Line_Branch_Code__c FROM SVMXC__Service_Order_Line__c WHERE Id =:WorkDetailId];
            system.debug(LoggingLevel.INFO, 'PSWorkDetail: ' + PSWorkDetail);
            List<Product2> lstProducts = new List<Product2>([SELECT Id, ProductCode, Name,SVMX_Extra_Description__c,SVMXC__Product_Cost__c FROM Product2 WHERE ProductCode IN :mapPartQuantity.keySet() 
                        AND SMVX_Sales_Company__c =:WorkOrder.SVMXC__Company__r.SVMX_Sales_Company__c AND IsActive = true]);
            system.debug(LoggingLevel.INFO, 'lstProducts: ' + lstProducts);
The change should be (where marked in bold) that instead of '00-' being added it should take the value from the field prefix__c on the Product object. If I add that in instead like: 

mapPartQuantity.put(prefix__c + FSGCartItem.Part, FSGCartItem);

I get the error Error: Compile Error: Variable does not exist: prefix__c at line 19 column 41. 

I guess I need to add that field in somewhere before, but where?

Any help will be much appreciated.
Jay GuruswamyJay Guruswamy
Hi Max5,

1. We cannot just say "prefix__c" , we have to prefix that with from which object/record this prefix__c is to be fetched in.

Since you mentioned, "prefix__c" is from Product object, you may have to do a query of the Product2 object. For doing that , you should know the relationship between Product2 table and other table(s) involved here.

2. Its not good practice to have a query inside a loop, since that will result in executing the query as many times as the loop iterate.

So you have to write this query above the loop starting, store the result in a List/set.
From the list, inside the loop where you are going to use the prefix__c , you have to go to the relevant record.

I suggest to go through the apex documenation and also to go throud the relationship diagram of your salesforce organization and then modify the code.


You are right, you are using the field prefix__c but not referencing it. 
prefix__c is a field in the object called Product , so you will have to acccess it like this , Product.prefix__c 

Be informed that you need to first create an instance of Product, and do SOQL to get the value fo prefix__c then save it in a string and use it instead of '00-'

something like this - 

Product pr = new Product(); 

string prefix  =  pr.prefix__c;

 <b>mapPartQuantity.put(prefix + FSGCartItem.Part, FSGCartItem)</b>;