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Katie Kourtakis
Required_Field_Missing GW_Volunteers__Volunter_Job__c
Hello, I built a test class and ran it receiving this error message: Required_Field_Missing on line 41 Column 1. GW_Volunteers__Volunter_Job__c
I created a new volunteer job, retrieved the Id of the volunteer job, and set the volunteer job field to the id when creating a new Volunteer Shift. I highlighted the sections in bold.
public class createSoulAttendanceTest {
public static String CRON_EXP = '0 0 0 3 7 ? 2019';
static testmethod void testScheduledJob() {
//Create Contact
Contact con = new Contact(Lastname = 'Brown');
insert con;
//Grab contact Id
Id conId = con.Id;
//Create Campaign
Campaign soulCam = new Campaign(Name = 'Soul Studio');
insert soulCam;
//Grab Campaign Id
Id camId = soulCam.Id;
//Create Volunteer Job
GW_Volunteers__Volunteer_Job__c job = new GW_Volunteers__Volunteer_Job__c(GW_Volunteers__Campaign__c = camID, Name = 'Monday');
//Grab Volunteer Job ID
Id jobId = job.Id;
//Set Date/Time for Volunteer Shifts
DateTime dt =;
//Create list to hold all the shifts
List<Id> allShiftList = new List<Id>();
//Create 7 Volunteer Shifts
for(Integer i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
GW_Volunteers__Volunteer_Shift__c shift = new GW_Volunteers__Volunteer_Shift__c(Program__c = camID, GW_Volunteers__Volunteer_Job__c = jobId, GW_Volunteers__Start_Date_Time__c = dt.addDays(i), GW_Volunteers__Duration__c = 5);
insert shift;
//Create New Program Enrollment
Program_Enrollment__c proEnroll = new Program_Enrollment__c(Campaign__c = camId,
Attendee__c = conId,
Volunteer_Job__c = jobId,
Status__c = 'Confirmed',
Role__c = 'Participant',
For_All_Sessions__c = FALSE);
//Retrieve Program Enrollment Id
Id proId = proEnroll.Id;
String apexJobId = System.schedule('ScheduleApexTest', CRON_EXP, new createSoulAttendance());
List<Attendance__c> att = [SELECT Id FROM Attendance__c
WHERE Program_Enrollment__c =: proId
AND Date__c >= TODAY
AND Date__c = NEXT_n_DAYS:7];
System.assertEquals(allShiftList.size(), att.size());
Any help in why this error is happening is greatly appreciated!
I created a new volunteer job, retrieved the Id of the volunteer job, and set the volunteer job field to the id when creating a new Volunteer Shift. I highlighted the sections in bold.
public class createSoulAttendanceTest {
public static String CRON_EXP = '0 0 0 3 7 ? 2019';
static testmethod void testScheduledJob() {
//Create Contact
Contact con = new Contact(Lastname = 'Brown');
insert con;
//Grab contact Id
Id conId = con.Id;
//Create Campaign
Campaign soulCam = new Campaign(Name = 'Soul Studio');
insert soulCam;
//Grab Campaign Id
Id camId = soulCam.Id;
//Create Volunteer Job
GW_Volunteers__Volunteer_Job__c job = new GW_Volunteers__Volunteer_Job__c(GW_Volunteers__Campaign__c = camID, Name = 'Monday');
//Grab Volunteer Job ID
Id jobId = job.Id;
//Set Date/Time for Volunteer Shifts
DateTime dt =;
//Create list to hold all the shifts
List<Id> allShiftList = new List<Id>();
//Create 7 Volunteer Shifts
for(Integer i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
GW_Volunteers__Volunteer_Shift__c shift = new GW_Volunteers__Volunteer_Shift__c(Program__c = camID, GW_Volunteers__Volunteer_Job__c = jobId, GW_Volunteers__Start_Date_Time__c = dt.addDays(i), GW_Volunteers__Duration__c = 5);
insert shift;
//Create New Program Enrollment
Program_Enrollment__c proEnroll = new Program_Enrollment__c(Campaign__c = camId,
Attendee__c = conId,
Volunteer_Job__c = jobId,
Status__c = 'Confirmed',
Role__c = 'Participant',
For_All_Sessions__c = FALSE);
//Retrieve Program Enrollment Id
Id proId = proEnroll.Id;
String apexJobId = System.schedule('ScheduleApexTest', CRON_EXP, new createSoulAttendance());
List<Attendance__c> att = [SELECT Id FROM Attendance__c
WHERE Program_Enrollment__c =: proId
AND Date__c >= TODAY
AND Date__c = NEXT_n_DAYS:7];
System.assertEquals(allShiftList.size(), att.size());
Any help in why this error is happening is greatly appreciated!
You have missed to insert job record :
//Create Volunteer Job
GW_Volunteers__Volunteer_Job__c job = new GW_Volunteers__Volunteer_Job__c(GW_Volunteers__Campaign__c = camID, Name = 'Monday');
insert job;
//Grab Volunteer Job ID
Id jobId = job.Id;
I hope you find the above solution helpful. If it does, please mark as Best Answer to help others too.
All Answers
You have missed to insert job record :
//Create Volunteer Job
GW_Volunteers__Volunteer_Job__c job = new GW_Volunteers__Volunteer_Job__c(GW_Volunteers__Campaign__c = camID, Name = 'Monday');
insert job;
//Grab Volunteer Job ID
Id jobId = job.Id;
I hope you find the above solution helpful. If it does, please mark as Best Answer to help others too.