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Alejandro Fernandez 26Alejandro Fernandez 26 

Error with trailhead when doing the data import unit


I'm on the data management module and when I import data and click complete, it says

"Challenge not yet complete in My Trailhead Playground 2
This challenge has already been completed"

And it did the same for the first playground I had. It's a strange error as I've now imported the data according to the exercise at the end of the lesson quite a few times! It may be a result of another error which is that when I click to launch one of these  playgrounds, it takes me to a login window, which when I log in to it, gives an error "Page ThHomepage does not exist". Maybe I inadvertently created some page with that misspelling, but now I'm not sure how to get rid of it and start a new one..

Thanks for any help!
