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Leonard Silon 16Leonard Silon 16 

HELP!!! Process builder not working

I have the below criteria code for a node in a process builder. I want to auto change the case owner if the case owner is that specific queue. However, when I create a case wher ethe owner is a user I get the error below the code. I have tried tons of variations to the criteria with the same results. 

How can I get this to work please?

         [Case].Owner:Queue.Name ="Major Account GMD/FED/NAD CS Queue",
         [Case].Agent_Collector_ID__c <> "",
         [Case].Owner:User.FirstName = ""


The flow failed to access the value for myVariable_current.Owner:Queue.Name because it hasn't been set or assigned.
Maharajan CMaharajan C
Hi Leonard,

Please add one more condition in formula:

         BEGINS([Case].OwnerId, "00G") ,
         [Case].Owner:Queue.Name ="Major Account GMD/FED/NAD CS Queue",
         [Case].Agent_Collector_ID__c <> "",
         [Case].Owner:User.FirstName = ""
