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Laurence EvansLaurence Evans 

Trying to validate multiple picklist records in a formula to true/false

Hello Peeps,

I have two objects, claim and claim line items. I want to move the status of claim to rejected if all of the claim line items related to the claim are rejected, but not if only 1 or two are rejected. 

I've made a checkbox formula field on the claim object, but i'm not sure how to test whether all claim line items = rejected (rejected being in the picklist fields for claim line items.) 

Any help is much appreciated!
i'm sure theres a more elegant solution. You could add a two rollup fields, one counts all of the line and the other count with filter, The on the line, add a formula field to calculate whether it has been rejected. Then a formula on the parent to compare the two rollups, if the reject count = total then reject.