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Ron McKnight 5
Passing field values to lightning component iframe
Is it possible to pass a field value from a record to an iframe hosted inside a lightning component?
I have built an iframe inside a lightning component. The iframe is a link to a database that contains rows of records that are related to the Account object in Salesforce, but only lives in the database, not salesforce.
What I am trying to do is pass the value of a field called account number into the url of the iframe, so that the values presented in the iframe are sorted according to the field value being presented by the current active record in salesforce.
I have built an iframe inside a lightning component. The iframe is a link to a database that contains rows of records that are related to the Account object in Salesforce, but only lives in the database, not salesforce.
What I am trying to do is pass the value of a field called account number into the url of the iframe, so that the values presented in the iframe are sorted according to the field value being presented by the current active record in salesforce.
js code:
The Branch, 7G Distributing, has a field called Branch ID. It is a unique 7 digit number. I want to filer the list in the iframe by using that 7 digit number. Of the 47 items displayed in the iframe, only 1 of those records relates to the current Branch/Account in the active salesforce window. So, that is why I'm trying to filter the list by Branch ID each time a Branch is loaded (accessed) in salesforce.
I am calling the url from the component as:" noborders="0" width="950" height="700" scrolling="no" seamless></iframe>&hideTopBar=true