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Is it possible to update a custom field in a Product based off of related Standard Price?

I have a custom currency field called "Standard Price" on the products object. I need this because a formula field on a related object looks at this field.

I'm trying to see if it's possible to build a trigger that fires everytime the "Standard Price" in the standard price book is updated and updates that custom field to match.

Alok Singh 140Alok Singh 140
You don't need to create a trigger write logic to update custom field using process builder it's simple dude.
If you need any further help let me know.
Haha I appreciate your response, but as far as I could tell, there's no way to use "Price Book Entry" object in Process Builder.
Alok Singh 140Alok Singh 140

Hi Adriana, may be I am wrong because I don't have much knowledge of admin part in salesforce.I can solve my problems through code.

but it's good to use admin tools of salesforce that's why I told you that way.
But as salesforce has many limitations in it that's why you are facing problem now I got it.