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Rajendra Prasad 44Rajendra Prasad 44 

What is the difference between aura:method and Component event (phase = capture). And when to choose what?

Deepali KulshresthaDeepali Kulshrestha
Hi Rajendra,
Greetings to you!

I am giving some links that will help you to understand about aura methods and events. you must follow these links.

when to choose what?
Answer :- Aura:Method enables you to directly call a method in a component’s client-side controller instead of firing / handling a component event. so if you want to call a child component’s client-side controller method then you must use aura method.
and if you want the full functionality of the child component then you must use aura event.

I hope you find the above solution helpful. If it does, please mark as Best Answer to help others too.

Thanks and Regards,
Deepali Kulshrestha