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Certification Practice
What I want is to update the Parent_Record__c(self lookup field) field if the no. of records with the same name is 10.If I have 30 record then 2-10 have parent as record 1...12-20 record have parent as record 11...and 22-30 record have parent 21..
public class AddParentonCreateHandler { public static void addParentMethod(List<Student__c> stulist){ String ParentIds ; Set<Id> ChildIds = New Set<Id>(); List<Student__c> listtoupdate = New List<Student__c>(); List<Student__c> FinalList = New List<Student__c>(); List<Student__c> oldrecord = [SELECT Id,Name,Parent_Record__c,Roll_No__c FROM Student__c WHERE Parent_Record__c = null ORDER BY Roll_No__c DESC ]; if(!oldrecord.isEmpty() && oldrecord.size()> 9){ for(Student__c stu : stulist ){ for(Student__c ostu : oldrecord){ if(stu.Name == ostu.Name ){ if(ChildIds.size() < 9){ ChildIds.add(; } else{ if(ParentIds == null){ ParentIds =; } if(ChildIds.size() < 11 && ParentIds != null ){ for(Student__c stu2 : [SELECT Id,Parent_Record__c,Roll_No__c FROM Student__c WHERE ID IN : ChildIds AND ID !=: ParentIds ORDER BY Roll_No__c DESC]){ stu2.Parent_Record__c = ParentIds; listtoupdate.add(stu2); } ChildIds.clear(); ParentIds = null; } } } } } UPDATE listtoupdate; } } }
Certification Practice
Further to it if I have 5 more records lets say 31-35 then it does not get updated because I want to update Parent_Record__c field only if the no. of record without Parent_Record__c is 10. this code does not work fine...