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round currency field nearest dollar

I have a currency formula field and I wonddering if my formula below is correct to round the value to a whole number? I am trying to remove the cent values $2,022.23 should be 2,022.00

ROUND(Price__c - Price__c * Acceptable_High_Margin__c,0)
Deepali KulshresthaDeepali Kulshrestha
Hi Bob,
Greetings to you!

- The best option is to take value without decimal
- Edit your field 'Price__c' and change the value of Length = 18 and Decimals = 0
- Please use the below screenshot :  -

User-added image

I hope you find the above solution helpful. If it does, please mark as Best Answer to help others too.

Thanks and Regards,
Deepali Kulshrestha.