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Hide the "Your flow finished" screen in flow

Hello All,

I hv created a flow & embedded into Login flow, after flow finished I can see "Your flow Finished" screen & then routed to Home page....Is there any workaround to disappear that message.

ANUTEJANUTEJ (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi there, 

You can try checking the below idea as it states the same requirement as you have stated.


I would request you to upvote if this is the same requirement you have so that it can be considered in the future if it reaches the needed threshold of upvotes.

I hope this helps and in case if this comes handy can you please choose this as best answer so that it can be useful for others in the future.

Hi Abhishek,

Thanks for your response but both links are not working as expected...

ANUTEJANUTEJ (Salesforce Developers) 
Additionally, you can try checking the below link that indicates a way have a finishlocation when you call it from a visulaforce page or from a controller in lightning component.

Hi Anutej,

Thanks for your response, the above link will not work

i have embedded the flow into login flow, once the logic satisfied we shouldn't show any screen then redirect to homepage.
