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John Neilan 18
Need Help With addError Statement
I have a trigger where the 1st part is desiged to loop through custom object records of a Contact and prevent users from entering duplicate records for each account. I have a statement that checks a map against the record being inserted/changed. When I look at my logs, I see that the IF statement returns a FALSE result, so the trigger should move on, but it is still throwing the addError message. Does anyone know why this might be hapening? The line is question is Line 48 below.
I have a trigger where the 1st part is desiged to loop through custom object records of a Contact and prevent users from entering duplicate records for each account. I have a statement that checks a map against the record being inserted/changed. When I look at my logs, I see that the IF statement returns a FALSE result, so the trigger should move on, but it is still throwing the addError message. Does anyone know why this might be hapening? The line is question is Line 48 below.
trigger UpdateAcctVIP on VIP_Type__c (after insert, after update, after delete){ Set<Id> acctIds = new Set<ID>(); Set<Id> contIds = new Set<ID>(); Set<String> vipTypes = new Set<String>(); Map<VIP_Type__c, VIP_Type__c> contactTypeMap = new Map<VIP_Type__c, VIP_Type__c>(); // Get all the Account & Contact Ids in the Set if (Trigger.isDelete) { for(VIP_Type__c vip : Trigger.old){ acctIds.add(vip.Account__c); contIds.add(vip.Contact__c); VIP_Type__c key = new VIP_Type__c(Contact__c=vip.Contact__c, Account__c=vip.Account__c, VIP_Type__c=vip.VIP_Type__c); } } else{ for(VIP_Type__c vip : { acctIds.add(vip.Account__c); contIds.add(vip.Contact__c); vipTypes.add(vip.VIP_Type__c); VIP_Type__c key = new VIP_Type__c(Contact__c=vip.Contact__c, Account__c=vip.Account__c, VIP_Type__c=vip.VIP_Type__c); system.debug('@@@### - Key Check: '+key); system.debug('@@@### - vip Check: '+vip); system.debug('@@@### - 1st Map Check: '+contactTypeMap.put( key, vip )); system.debug('@@@### - 2nd Map Check: '+contactTypeMap.get( key )); system.debug('@@@### - 2nd Map Check: '+contactTypeMap); if(contactTypeMap.put( key, vip ) != null) { contactTypeMap.get( key ).addError( 'This type already exits for this Contact' ); } } } List<VIP_Type__c> vipRecs = [SELECT Id,Account__c,Contact__c,VIP_Type__c FROM VIP_Type__c WHERE Contact__c = :contIds AND Account__c = :acctIds AND ID NOT]; //Check for VIP Types already entered for Contact for(VIP_Type__c vip: vipRecs) { system.debug('@@@### - Check for Types: '+vipRecs); VIP_Type__c key = new VIP_Type__c(Contact__c=vip.Contact__c, Account__c=vip.Account__c, VIP_Type__c=vip.VIP_Type__c); system.debug('@@@### - Check for Types-key: '+key); system.debug('@@@### - Check contactTypeMap: '+contactTypeMap); system.debug('@@@### - Check contactTypeMap (key): '+contactTypeMap.containsKey(key)); if(contactTypeMap.containsKey(key)) { contactTypeMap.get(key).addError('This Type already exists for this Contact'); } } // Query the Accounts List<Account> acct = new List<Account>(); // Use the VIP Types to get all the related Types for the Account acct = [SELECT Id, VIP_Types__c,(Select VIP_Type__c FROM VIP_Types__r) FROM Account WHERE Id in :acctIds]; // Iterate over each Account and VIP record for(Account a : acct){ a.VIP_Types__c = ''; for(VIP_Type__c vip: a.VIP_Types__r){ if(!a.VIP_Types__c.contains(vip.VIP_Type__c) || a.VIP_Types__c == ''){ // Check if the Type is already in the Account Field. if not add it otherwise skip a.VIP_Types__c += vip.VIP_Type__c + '; '; } } } // Update the Account update acct; }
Can you please use the below code which meets your requirement:
Let me know if there is any issue.
Abhishek Bansal.
All Answers
Can you please use the below code which meets your requirement:
Let me know if there is any issue.
Abhishek Bansal.