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Michael Clarke 16
custom list controller for custom records parent-child
I am on the record page for Plant__c object and wanting to customised the list for the child Plant_In_Zone__c object with a vf page.
How do I build the custom list controller? The below code won't save/compile - unexpected token PIZs line 3 (for a start).
How do I build the custom list controller? The below code won't save/compile - unexpected token PIZs line 3 (for a start).
public class listPIZCustomController { public ApexPages.StandardSetController PIZs get{ if(PIZs==null){ PIZs = new ApexPages.StandardSetController(Database.getQueryLocator( [SELECT Id, Plant__c, Layer__c, Name, Plant_Name__c, Common_Name__c, Zone__c, Zone_Name__c FROM Plant_In_Zone__c WHERE Plant__c=:apexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('Id')])); } return PIZs; } set; } public List<Plant_In_Zone__c> getPIZs() { return (List<Plant_In_Zone__c>)PIZs.getRecords(); } }
There is syntax error in your code, please try the below code
Let me know if you need any further help on this.
Abhishek Bansal.
Skype: abhishek.bansal2790
Phone: +917357512102