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Athira Venugopal
Custom salesforce dashboards on visual force pages, Is there any way to do this?
I have tried using apex:iframe, but it displays a blank page
<apex:page showheader="true" sidebar="true">
<apex:iframe src="/01Z2w000000ooGVEAY/" height="600px" width="70%"/>
Then I had tried using wave:dashboard
<apex:page showheader="true" sidebar="true">
<wave:dashboard dashboardId="01Z2w000000ooGVEAY" showTitle="true" height="800px" openLinksInNewWindow="true" /> </apex:page>
<apex:page showheader="true" sidebar="true">
<apex:iframe src="/01Z2w000000ooGVEAY/" height="600px" width="70%"/>
Then I had tried using wave:dashboard
<apex:page showheader="true" sidebar="true">
<wave:dashboard dashboardId="01Z2w000000ooGVEAY" showTitle="true" height="800px" openLinksInNewWindow="true" /> </apex:page>
I would suggest you to use the complete URL to see,if it works.
Sample code:
Kindly mark it as best answer if it helps so that it can help others in the future.
Warm Regards,
Shirisha Pathuri