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AmazonConnect CTI - Screen Pops (not popping)

The Amazon Connect CTI Adapter is installed, configured, and can receive/place inbound and outbound calls.

However, when a call is received it opens the global search results page w/ contact instead of opening the contact detail page. Similarly, if an associated record cannot be found it returns the global search page with "no results". 

Any ideas on why the screen pop settings in the softphone Layout editor are not firing correctly? Thanks in advance. 

SwethaSwetha (Salesforce Developers) 
HI Matt,

Have you checked the "Designing a Custom Softphone Layout " ?

Do you have customizations listed there? Thanks 
Hi Swetha, thanks for your reply. Yes, I have configured the screen pop settings to meet our business needs in the appropriate section as follows:
Screen pops open within: New browser window or tab
No matching records: Pop to new Case
Single-matching record: Pop detail page
Multiple-matching records: Pop to search page
SwethaSwetha (Salesforce Developers) 
Are you seeing any errors in the console? Thanks
I'm having a similar experience with it going to a search screen.  I suspect that it's something about the AC CTI Script as I've got the right configuration in the screen pop settings but am not sure if the CTI Script (and I'm not an expert on that) is set up as it should be.  Did you ever figure this out?