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Has anyone done the integration with java with Cometd subscription. If yes then could you please help me with the json deserialization.
{ schema = Azwp7Vtcy9VYKAoWJOhjcQ, payload = { Message_Details6__c = null, CreatedById = 0053 L000000WNRFQA4, Source__c = Salesforce, AccountId__c = null, Message_Action__c = Testing_Workorder, Message_Details9__c = null, Message_Details1__c = { "WORK_ORDER": { "WTF": null, "WASTE_PRODUCER_POST_CODE": "", "WASTE_PRODUCER_NAME": "", "WASTE_PRODUCER_ID": "0013L000003wGh8QAE", "WASTE_PRODUCER_EMAIL": "", "WASTE_PRODUCER_ADDR_4": "", "WASTE_PRODUCER_ADDR_3": "", "WASTE_PRODUCER_ADDR_2": "", "WASTE_PRODUCER_ADDR_1": "", "VEHICLE_TYPE": null, "VEHICLE_REG": null, "Numbers": "As List", "DESCRIPTION": "As List", "WORKORDER": "970400090053", "LOAD_TYPE": null, "Load_Num_Code": "00001859", "LICENCE_NO": null, "ID": "08p3L0000000iHs" } }, Message_Details12__c = null, Message_Details10__c = null, CreatedDate = 2020 - 09 - 23 T04: 10: 19.997 Z, }, event = { replayId = 19738 } }I am getting the payload without any json format, Inside the Message_Details1__c I am sending the json from salesforce but in eclipse I am getting the above json. Now I want to desrialize it please help me with this one. How to deserialize it because it is incorrect json payload.