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Test class for Batch class. I have 70% coverage. Please help me to increase code coverage.
global class ItalyPriceBookIntegrationBatch implements Database.Batchable<sObject>{ global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC){ Datetime lastOneHour =; string finalQuery = 'Select Id, Sales_Org__c, Product_SKU_Calculated__c from Product2 where (NOT Material_Master_ID__c like \'' +'%SEP%' + '\')' +' and LastModifiedDate >= ' +string.valueOf(lastOneHour.Date())+'T'+string.valueOf(lastOneHour.Time()); system.debug('Final Query --> ' +finalQuery); return Database.getQueryLocator(finalQuery); } global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC,List<Product2> scope){ set<Id> prodIdSet = new set<Id>(); List<PriceBookEntry> newPBEList = new List<PriceBookEntry>(); List<PriceBookEntry> updatePBEList = new List<PriceBookEntry>(); map<Id,PriceBookEntry> pbeProdMap = new map<Id,PriceBookEntry>(); string it01PBid = System.Label.IT01_PriceBookId; for(Product2 prod : scope){ prodIdSet.add(prod.Id); } System.debug('the Price Book Entries are -->'+prodIdSet); for(PriceBookEntry pbeList : [Select Id,Name,Product2Id,IsActive from PriceBookEntry where Pricebook2Id =:it01PBid and Product2Id In :prodIdSet]){ pbeProdMap.put(pbeList.Product2Id,pbeList); } System.debug('the Price Book Entries are -->'+pbeProdMap); for(Product2 prodIT : scope){ if(prodIT.Sales_Org__c == 'IT01'){ if(pbeProdMap.get(prodIT.Id)!= Null){ PriceBookEntry oldPBE = pbeProdMap.get(prodIT.Id); System.debug('the PBE is -->'+oldPBE.Id+oldPBE.Name); if(!oldPBE.IsActive){ oldPBE.IsActive = True; updatePBEList.add(oldPBE); } }else { PriceBookEntry newPBE = new PriceBookEntry(); newPBE.Pricebook2Id = System.Label.IT01_PriceBookId; newPBE.Product2Id = prodIT.Id; newPBE.IsActive = True; newPBE.PBE_External_Id__c = 'EPC-IT01-'+prodIT.Product_SKU_Calculated__c; newPBE.UnitPrice = 0.00; newPBE.CurrencyIsoCode = 'EUR'; newPBEList.add(newPBE); } }else { if(pbeProdMap.get(prodIT.Id)!= Null){ PriceBookEntry oldPBE = pbeProdMap.get(prodIT.Id); System.debug('the PBE is -->'+oldPBE.Id+oldPBE.Name); if(oldPBE.IsActive){ oldPBE.IsActive = False; updatePBEList.add(oldPBE); } } } } system.debug('The update list is -->'+updatePBEList.size()); if(updatePBEList.size() > 0){ Database.SaveResult[] oldPBE = Database.update(updatePBEList,false); for(Database.SaveResult opbe:oldPBE){ if(!opbe.isSuccess()){ system.debug(' Error-->'+opbe.getErrors()); } } } system.debug('The new list is -->'+newPBEList.size()); if(newPBEList.size() > 0){ Database.SaveResult[] newPBE = Database.insert(newPBEList,false); for(Database.SaveResult npbe:newPBE){ if(!npbe.isSuccess()){ system.debug(' Error -->'+npbe.getErrors()); } } } } global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC){ } } Test Class-- @isTest public class ItalyPriceBookIntegrationBatch_Test { @testsetup static void setup(){ Product2 prodOne = DivAC_00_TestFactory.getProduct('Test Product'); prodOne.Sales_Org__c = 'IT01'; prodOne.Material_Master_ID__c = '12345_EPC'; insert prodOne; Pricebook2 standardPricebook = DivAC_00_TestFactory.getStdPriceBookId(); Map<id,PricebookEntry> pbeProdMap = new Map<id,PricebookEntry>(); PricebookEntry pbe = DivAC_00_TestFactory.getPriceBookEntry(String.ValueOf(standardPricebook.Id),String.ValueOf(prodOne.Id),2); pbe.Product2Id =; pbe.IsActive = true; insert pbe; pbeProdMap.put(pbe.Product2Id,pbe); pbeProdMap.get(prodOne.Id); System.debug('the Price Book Entries are -->'+pbeProdMap); PriceBookEntry oldPBE = pbeProdMap.get(prodOne.Id); } static testmethod void test(){ Test.startTest(); ItalyPriceBookIntegrationBatch ipb = new ItalyPriceBookIntegrationBatch(); ID batchId = Database.executeBatch(ipb); Test.stopTest(); } }
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