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Ragula Sivakumar
Use Custom Setting over bulk record creation
I have cretaed one list custom setting with list od=f text values .
I want to use the the custom setting to create a bulk records in another object
custom_setting__c customsetting=custom_setting__c.getValues('record');
List<object__C>objlist= new list <object__C>();
for(integer i=0;i<200;i++){
object__C led = new Lead__c(name='Test);
insert objlist;
I want to use the the custom setting to create a bulk records in another object
custom_setting__c customsetting=custom_setting__c.getValues('record');
List<object__C>objlist= new list <object__C>();
for(integer i=0;i<200;i++){
object__C led = new Lead__c(name='Test);
insert objlist;
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