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Non-admin users receiving screen flow error, "Unfortunately, there was a problem..."

I have a screen flow that is displayed perfectly for admins only. Non-admin users receive the following error message: 
User-added image
Users have no trouble viewing/using other flows on the same page layout. I have tried removing it and adding it back. Verified all permissions. No email notifications.

Any ideas? Your help is greatly appreciated. 
It seems that non-admins don't have permission on objects or fields used in your flow. So I would suggest to check the profile permissions.
Thanks for your response. 

This morning I confirmed that the profile has access to all fields in the flow. Still perplexed I added the flow back to the page layout and voila! it started working again (for non-admin users) as expected. Thanks again for your suggestion. 

A good night's rest was all that was needed.