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Fetch chiled records in Reports with specific relationship file if Object B has relationship with A with more than one field.

Hi All,

Contact and Asset have a direct relationship with the field ContactId (Standard) in Asset. Let's assume Asset has one more relationship with Contact with the field (Ex) Contact_Asset__c (lookup to Contact).

Now I want to create a report between Contact and Asset by using Contact_Asset__c field.

So, how can I get the child object value Asset by using the relationship Asset.Contact_Asset__c ? instead of Asset.ContactID.

Now I've the Asset records Asset linked to the Contact via Asset.Contact_Asset__c the ContactID is blank.

Created the report with Contact with Assets and Contact fields are populating the values in report but Asset fields are not populating the values.

I assume that the report is trying to get the Asset values with the relationship Asset.ContactID ? Am I right? 
If so, how can I get the Asset values by using Asset.Contact_Asset__c?
ShirishaShirisha (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Sivasankar,


You can achieve this by creating the Custom Report Type by using the related Objects so that you can use the related Object's field.

Kindly mark it as best answer if it helps so that it can help others in the future.

Warm Regards,
Shirisha Pathuri