function readOnly(count){ }
Starting November 20, the site will be set to read-only. On December 4, 2023,
forum discussions will move to the Trailblazer Community.
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Ashley Ricardo Cabrera QuintanaAshley Ricardo Cabrera Quintana 

How can I create a custom page?

you can create Custom Pages with Experience Builder
In Experience Builder, open the Pages menu on the top toolbar.
Click New Page at the bottom of the Pages menu.
Select the page type: Standard Page. ...
Select a standard page to open it. Use the page variations tab to select and open an object page.
Add and configure page components.
Preview and publish your community.

or  you can see this :
AbhishekAbhishek (Salesforce Developers)

This article has screenshots that will guide you step by step.

Let me know if it helps you and close your query by marking it as solved so that it can help others in the future.
