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Calculate if close date is in the next 3 quarters
Hi, I'm looking for a formula to evaluate to TRUE if the close date of an opportunity is changed to a date in the next 3 quarters.
Example, close date is Jan 15 (Q1)and then the opportunity moves to April 15(Q2)
Example, close date is Jan 15 (Q1)and then the opportunity moves to April 15(Q2)
1. Create a field to hold the original date
2. Create a process builder to populate the original date to that field
3. Create 2 x number formula fields that determine the Quarter as a number for each date field in a format of YYQ - Year Quarter - like 201 for Q1 year 2020 or 213 for Q3 year 2021
4. Create a fomula field that subtracts the two numbers. Any number 10 or over is more that 3 Quarters difference.
There are a few posts regarding working out Quarters for a date.
hopefully the above put you on a path.
Enjoy the holidays.
Christmas Cheers