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Lana MaLana Ma 

Flow Action Email - unable to send from an Organizational Wide Email Address

I have a Flow Action Email where the sender address indicated is a Org Wide Email Address. However when testing the flow, the email comes from the current user who is running the flow (default).

I've also tested by adding the Org Wide Email address under Sender Type but the following error message returns "Error Occured: Invalid Sender Type."

How can an email be sent from an Org Wide Email address with flow directly with the "Send Email" core action? 

Sender Address indicated is set up as Org Wide Email, but unable to send by this email.

AbhishekAbhishek (Salesforce Developers) 

Please check the below data and if it is not resolved let me know.

OK, can you check with the email address as same in 2 sandboxes?

Otherwise, change the email address in the destination sandbox.

The best option would be to create the Org wide email in the destination sandbox and verify it. You cannot deploy Org wide email addresses. It is an unsupported metadata type.

Here's more info:

Let me know if it helps you and close your query by marking it as solved so that it can help others in the future.

Jim Bedford-Roberts 11Jim Bedford-Roberts 11
You definitely need to add OrgWideEmailAddress in the Sender Type field (default is current user). You also need that email address to be verified by its owner - see Set Up > Organization-wide addresses. Along the way Ive encountered some issues using a formula resource in the field (bug?) - might be worth testing with an actual email address so as to rule that out.