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Jyoti Sahoo 3Jyoti Sahoo 3 

Can some one help me in writing the test class

Hi, Can someone please help me writing the test class for the below trigger - 

trigger UpdateStatus on Advisement__c (after update) {

    List<Case> parentObjList = new List<Case>();
    List<Advisement__c> childObjList = new List<Advisement__c>();
    List<Id> listIds = new List<Id>();

    Integer i=0;
    Integer count = 0;

    for (Advisement__c childObj : Trigger.old) {
        Case co = [Select Id, Status from Case where Id =: childObj.Case__c];

        childObjList = [SELECT id,Case__c, Status__c FROM Advisement__c where Case__c =:co.Id];
        for (Advisement__c adv : childObjList){
            if(adv.Status__c == 'Done' || adv.Status__c == 'Approved with Signature' || adv.Status__c == 'Declined')
              i = 0;
              count = count + 1;
              i = 1;
            if ( childObjList.size() == count) {
                    co.Status = 'Final Review';
                    co.Status = 'In Progress';
    update co;
SwethaSwetha (Salesforce Developers) 
HI Jyoti,
The below articles give a good insight into how to begin writing test class and how coverage can be improved 


Hope this helps you. Please mark this answer as best so that others facing the same issue will find this information useful. Thank you