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Mahesh Babu 187Mahesh Babu 187 

Convert Picklist Values to Date

Hi Team,
I have a requirement to convert my picklist value to date in a new field.
My picklist values are as May 2020, June 2021. Now I want to convert this value to a date format in the new field as 05/01/2020.
And all my values should be converted to 1st day of the month which is selected in the picklist.

Jan 2020-  01/01/2020
March 2021- 03/01/2021
April 2013 -  04/01/2013

It should be mm/dd/yyyy. And "dd" should be always 01.
i have searched many formulas to convert it to the required format, but could not achieve.
Please help me in achieving it.

Best Answer chosen by Mahesh Babu 187
Andrew GAndrew G
Is it to be a Formula field or a normal Date field?

If formula date field you could try using the standard DATE formula
DATE( RIGHT(TEXT(PickListField),4), 
  CASE( LEFT(TEXT(PickListField),FIND(" ",TEXT(PickListField))-1),
//and so on
remember that DATE uses DATE(yyyy,mm,dd) to create it's date value - you can then format the field as required

If it's to be a text formula field, then using similar to above,
CASE( LEFT(TEXT(PickListField),FIND(" ",TEXT(PickListField))-1),
//and so on
  0) + "/01/" +

if it is to be a writeable field, then use either of the above in a process builder


All Answers

Ajith Selvaraj 2Ajith Selvaraj 2
Hello Mahesh,
Can you say me how many picklist values are there?
Mahesh Babu 187Mahesh Babu 187
Hi Ajith,

I have 280 values in the picklist field.
Andrew GAndrew G
Is it to be a Formula field or a normal Date field?

If formula date field you could try using the standard DATE formula
DATE( RIGHT(TEXT(PickListField),4), 
  CASE( LEFT(TEXT(PickListField),FIND(" ",TEXT(PickListField))-1),
//and so on
remember that DATE uses DATE(yyyy,mm,dd) to create it's date value - you can then format the field as required

If it's to be a text formula field, then using similar to above,
CASE( LEFT(TEXT(PickListField),FIND(" ",TEXT(PickListField))-1),
//and so on
  0) + "/01/" +

if it is to be a writeable field, then use either of the above in a process builder

This was selected as the best answer
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