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Sujitha Vedagiri 1Sujitha Vedagiri 1 

opportunity lead source

i have custom field called Revenue on opportunity object the condition is, if lead source is web and the amount is greater than 1000 then the revenue is 2% of the amount.
if lead source is web and the amount is lesser than 1000 then the revenue is 1% of the amount.
if lead source is apart from the above  then the revenue is 25% of the amount.
SwethaSwetha (Salesforce Developers) 
HI Sujitha,Can you provide more details on what you are trying to accomplish and what is the challenge you are facing so I can suggest better? Thanks
AnudeepAnudeep (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Sujitha - Are you looking for assistance around creating a formula?
Sujitha Vedagiri 1Sujitha Vedagiri 1
how to accomplish this, please suggest
kamala swarnalathakamala swarnalatha

Could you please try this

change the revenue field as a formula (percent) field with no decimal places and write this formula
IF(ISPICKVAL( LeadSource ,"Web")&& Amount >1000,0.02,IF(ISPICKVAL(LeadSource,"Web")&&Amount <1000,0.01,0.25))

Let me know if this helps. If it does, please mark this answer as Best. It may help others in the community. Thank You!

Kamala. K
Sweet Potato Tec