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Diane Clayton 6Diane Clayton 6 

ERROR running force:source:pull

I've been using DX for a while now but today when I went to pull down my changes with pull command I received odd errors about objects I don't recognise:
ERROR running force:source:pull:  Entity of type 'ListView' named 'ProductServiceCampaignItem.My_ProductServiceCampaignItems' cannot be found
Entity of type 'ListView' named 'ProductServiceCampaignItem.My_RecentProductServiceCampaignItems' cannot be found
Entity of type 'ListView' named 'ShiftTemplate.My_RecentShiftTemplates' cannot be found
Entity of type 'ListView' named 'ProductServiceCampaignItem.All_ProductServiceCampaignItems' cannot be found
Entity of type 'ListView' named 'ShiftTemplate.My_ShiftTemplates' cannot be found
Entity of type 'ListView' named 'ShiftTemplate.All_ShiftTemplates' cannot be found
Entity type 'Prompt' is not available in this api version

So I added the following to my forceignore file

this has removed most of the errors but I still get just this error:

ERROR running force:source:pull:  Entity type 'Prompt' is not available in this api version

Best Answer chosen by Diane Clayton 6
Diane Clayton 6Diane Clayton 6
For anyone else who comes across this the answer is to make sure the sourceApiVersion in the sfdx-project json matches the org api version.

All Answers

AbhishekAbhishek (Salesforce Developers) 

Your query is answered here,

Try the suggestions as mentioned in the above developer discussion.

If it helps you and close your query by marking it as solved so that it can help others in the future.

Diane Clayton 6Diane Clayton 6
For anyone else who comes across this the answer is to make sure the sourceApiVersion in the sfdx-project json matches the org api version.
This was selected as the best answer
Diane Clayton 6Diane Clayton 6
Thanks for replying Abhisek but it wasn't the issue
Dan Alden 4Dan Alden 4
I have also followed the above instructions and can confirm that it did not solve the issue.
Bradford MarBradford Mar
Matching API version didn't work for me. It's a fresh org that I'm rebuilding, so I think I'll finish setting up FSL to see if that will create the missing Listviews.
Bradford MarBradford Mar
I set up FSL and still got the error. I tried to stimulate a listviews pull by saving a change to one of them, but it was to no avail. I ended up using forceignore to get the pull. After that, I removed the forceignore lines and I succesfully made a following pull without them.
For what it's worth, these objects have just become available with API version 51.0  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯