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Carolina W 2Carolina W 2 

Error: Future method cannot be called from a future or batch method

Hi! How can I fix this error?

 System.AsyncException: Future method cannot be called from a future or batch method

I guess this happen because my future method is an update and the Trigger is called in looping. So I created the boolean runTrigger to not run the trigger when it's false, but I don't know how to do it exactly.

P.s: It need to be a future method


public class AccountUpdate {
    public static boolean runTrigger = true; //I create this variable to stop the looping, but I don't know where I have to put 'runTrigger = False;'
    //This future Mehod update the Account Name 
	 public static void doAutomaticExternIntegration(List<Id> ids) {
         List<Account> accountsFound = [SELECT ID, Name FROM Account WHERE Id IN :ids];
        List<Account> accountToUpdate = new List<Account>();
          for (Account acc: accountsFound){
              acc.Name = 'ABCD';
         update accountToUpdate;
    //This class runs the Future Method above
    public static void runFutureMethod (List<Account> accs){
    	List<Id> accountIds = new List<Id>();
			for(Account acc : accs){
trigger AccountTrigger on Account (after update) {

Best Answer chosen by Carolina W 2
Carolina W 2Carolina W 2

Thank you @Swetha !  The solution:


public class AccountUpdate {

  public static boolean runTrigger = true; 

  //This future Mehod update the Account Name
  public static void MyFutureMethod(List<Id> ids) {
     runTrigger = false;
     List<Account> accountsFound = [SELECT ID, Name FROM Account WHERE Id IN :ids];
      List<Account> accountToUpdate = new List<Account>();
      for (Account acc: accountsFound){
         acc.Name = 'ABCD';
    update accountToUpdate;

  //This class runs the Future Method above
  public static void runFutureMethod (List<Account> accs){
     if(runTrigger) {
       List<Id> accountIds = new List<Id>();
       for(Account acc : accs){

All Answers

SwethaSwetha (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Carolina,
Does the example code mentioned in the post help?

If this information helps, please mark the answer as best.Thank you
Carolina W 2Carolina W 2

Thank you @Swetha !  The solution:


public class AccountUpdate {

  public static boolean runTrigger = true; 

  //This future Mehod update the Account Name
  public static void MyFutureMethod(List<Id> ids) {
     runTrigger = false;
     List<Account> accountsFound = [SELECT ID, Name FROM Account WHERE Id IN :ids];
      List<Account> accountToUpdate = new List<Account>();
      for (Account acc: accountsFound){
         acc.Name = 'ABCD';
    update accountToUpdate;

  //This class runs the Future Method above
  public static void runFutureMethod (List<Account> accs){
     if(runTrigger) {
       List<Id> accountIds = new List<Id>();
       for(Account acc : accs){
This was selected as the best answer