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David Wu 67David Wu 67 

Setup SSO with Azure AD Authentication Provider

I'm new to salesfore and my goal is to setup SSO between Azure AD and SSO internal user.

This is the guide i'm try to follow (

I've completed everything but it seems not fully work.

Error from Single Sign-On Initialization URL
Instead, i need to login to salesforce use original salesforce password  and oepn the Existing User Linking URL

link open ID

the SSO only work after i link my account manuelly, does anyone know where to establish the auto mapping between two account?

Many thanks!
AnudeepAnudeep (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi David, 

I suggest using the SAML Assertion Validator to troubleshoot single sign-on (SSO) login problems and identify errors in SAML assertions sent by your identity provider.

You will be able to identify what the underlying error is

Let me know if this helps, if it does, please mark this answer as best so that others facing the same issue will find this information useful. Thank you
David Wu 67David Wu 67
Hi Anudeep,

i whas tried to us SAML and follow the guide from microsoft, however, we have old ADFS setting and can't change to Azure AD because of the fields are different, log a case with salesfore ask to delete the old ADFS setting in SSO session, but Salesforce support can't help and suggest me to use Authentication Provider. if i can completed delete the old SAML and create a SSO SMAL by upload metadata file, it will be a easy task for me, but i can't find a way to do that.
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David Wu 67David Wu 67
i'm now able to setup SSO with SAML, have to enable multiple SAML configurations before i can delete the old SAML. but still keen to know how to sole the account linking issue with open id connect.