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@* 質問広場~初心者から上級者まで~ 日本 *

3 answers
  1. Today, 3:18 AM



  • You can’t activate this flow until you resolve 2 errors.  In this part of AgentBlazer- Create Check-in Guest Event

    Reservation 1

    • Because the sObjectOutputReference field is set, you also need to set the following fields: object.

    Unified Link 2

    • Because the sObjectOutputReference field is set, you also need to set the following fields: object.



#Trailhead Challenges


I'm newish to Salesforce and I want to import new contacts and create accounts where the contact is associated. I also have data associated with the new contacts to import to a custom object. What is the best sequence to do this in

5 answers

Hi All, 

I have a custom object and in this custom object I have lookup field to Account. When we are creating the Account from lookup then we can see the correct Layout of Account. But after save ,if we wanted to create Account from this lookup again then we see totally differrent Layout. Does anyone have any idea how to get the same Layout? 



@* Sales Cloud - Best Practices *  @* Sales Cloud - Getting Started * 

2 answers
  1. Ajaypreet Singh Saini (Grantbook) Forum Ambassador
    Today, 2:57 AM

    Hey @Nehi Pathak, never saw this behaviour before. 

    Can you confirm once you save the custom object record with newly created account, you are editing the record and removing the related Account and trying to create a new account record again?


Looking for some help with case logic for the following 


If Implementation = "Product 1" Then Disc Pct = ($26,400 - ARR)/$26,400 *100  

If Implementation = "Product 2" Then Disc Pct = ($39,000  - ARR)/$39,000  *100  

If Implementation = "Product 3" Then Disc Pct = ($90,000   - ARR)/$90,000   *100  



1 answer
  1. Ajaypreet Singh Saini (Grantbook) Forum Ambassador
    Today, 2:39 AM

    Hey @Matt Pinkston

    , checkout this: 




    "Product 1", (26400 - ARR) / 26400 * 100,

    "Product 2", (39000 - ARR) / 39000 * 100,

    "Product 3", (90000 - ARR) / 90000 * 100,




Hi all, 

Do you know about catalog planning and government strategies, i need experiences,  resources, documentation.  


1 answer
  1. Today, 2:36 AM

    Hi Jose,

    Catalog planning in Salesforce often uses CPQ (check its docs & Trailhead). Custom catalogs are built with objects & LWCs. Government strategies link to Public Sector Solutions, compliance, and integrations via Mulesoft/APIs.

    For experiences, try the Trailblazer Community, partners, and events.

    To help more, share your industry and specific needs.

1 answer
  1. Ajaypreet Singh Saini (Grantbook) Forum Ambassador
    Today, 2:34 AM
1 answer
  1. Ajaypreet Singh Saini (Grantbook) Forum Ambassador
    Today, 2:32 AM

    Hey @JiEun Kim, make sure you disconnect some old playground orgs from your trailhead account and then create a new org and see if it resolves your issue


I'm trying to commit changes in my Copado User Story. I have selected the metadata and clicked on Commit Changes, but I encountered the error:

"Feature not enabled - Git. Click the 'Go Back' button to return to the record. The commit process has started."

This is a new environment, and I suspect it might be related to Git configuration or permissions.

I’m not sure what needs to be updated or enabled to clear this error.

Here’s what I’ve checked so far:

  • Authentication to the Salesforce org was successful.
  • The environment has been set up and linked to the pipeline.

Do I need to enable Git somewhere, or could it be related to Copado user permissions or licensing? Any guidance on resolving this would be greatly appreciated!


Feature not enabled-Git in Copado Salesforce Org.what to update to clear this error.


@* Salesforce Developers *


#Salesforce Developer

2 answers
Hello All,

I have a Queueable class that I want to execute in a Batch class but I am not sure how to pass the list of Leases to the Batch and execute. 

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

public class UpdateLeaseQueueable implements Queueable {

List<Lease__c> updateLeases = new List<Lease__c>();

public UpdateLeaseQueueable( Map<Id, Lease__c> leases) {



public void execute(QueueableContext qc) {

if (!updateLeases.isEmpty()) {

//pass leases to Batch class





global class UpdateLeaseQueueableBatch implements Database.Batchable <sObject>, Database.Stateful{

global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext bc){


global void execute(Database.BatchableContext bc, List<> listLease){


global void finish(Database.BatchableContext bc){




4 answers
  1. Apr 20, 2021, 1:52 AM
    Hi Phuc,

    Change the batch as like below:


    global class UpdateLeaseQueueableBatch implements Database.Batchable <sObject>, Database.Stateful{

    List<Lease__c> leaseList;

    global UpdateLeaseQueueableBatch(List<Lease__c> records) {

    leaseList = records;


    global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext bc){

    return leaseList;


    global void execute(Database.BatchableContext bc, List<Lease__c> listLease){

    system.debug('leaseList --> ' + leaseList);

    system.debug('listLease --> ' + listLease);


    global void finish(Database.BatchableContext bc){



    Queuable Class:

    public class UpdateLeaseQueueable implements Queueable {

    List<Lease__c> updateLeases = new List<Lease__c>();

    public UpdateLeaseQueueable( Map<Id, Lease__c> leases) {



    public void execute(QueueableContext qc) {

    if (!updateLeases.isEmpty()) {

    //pass leases to Batch class

    Database.executeBatch(new UpdateLeaseQueueableBatch(updateLeases));




